Friday, May 2, 2014

312 Reflections

This semester in TCF 312 has taught me so much it's hard to put into words. Each assignment taught me something new that will help me become a better videographer in the future.

One of my greatest experiences through this class was being able to learn about and use a lot of new equipment that I have never used before such as the Kino lights. I have found the Kinos can be a great lighting source in a variety of scenes from key lights in night scenes to fill lights in indoor scenes especially since you can not only change the color temperature with different bulbs but also the brightness. They came in great for a lot of scenes during Cherones's class and I even advised students from another shoot to use them. I think Kinos might be my favorite light kit from now on.

Probably the most important among anything else is how critical the preproduction stage of filmmaking is. Without preproduction the whole film will fall apart, there is no order to the process which causes very little to get done. Things such as visual references, properly formatted shot-lists and storyboards help the shooting go along a lot quicker and helps the cinematographer and editor understand what the director wants the final product to look like. Scouting locations is also a very important part of preproduction, you have to know how the lighting will be how your camera movement and the subjects movement might work on set. With proper preproduction my documentary assignment would have turned out a bit better.

Scheduling is also another important process of preproduction and probably the hardest part, it is important to plan your schedule around your actors availability which may cause a lot of rescheduling in your own schedule. Sometimes the actors you originally scheduled have to back out so you have to think on your feet to find backups, like during my scene assignment. This assignment also reinstated in my mind the need to check your equipment before the shoot, during my shoot the mic kept cutting off so I ending up using audio from my camera. And finally I've also learned that multiple takes are definitely your friend. During the editing I  felt like I didn't have enough footage and it was stressful process but when I managed to pull through it I felt so relieved.

Overall I know that I had a lot of bumps in this class but also plenty of great times. I've learned a lot, got to work on some great shoots and met great people. I worked on new things that were out of my element and worked on things I've already knew how to do. This class made me realize that even though I still have a lot to learn this is without a doubt 100% what I want to do in life.

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